> Ekoškola > Our school

Okolí školy s velkou zahradou.
Foto: L. Klátil
Foto: L. Klátil
V teráriích najdeme i chameleony.
Foto: L. Klátil

Our school

I attend an elementary school in Štípa. The school was built in 1885, but it looks different now. The school is visited by cca 400 children. I think my school is not bad.

The building of our school has two floors. There are nine grades and each grade is splitted
to part A and part B. There are eighteen classes. Teachers are also OK. Even sometimes we get them angry. The school has specialized classrooms, too. For example Pc classrooms, classrooms for Biology, Physics and languages (English, Germany).
The classroom of Biology is the most exciting. There are many water tanks with animals like tortoises, spiders, geckons and other strange reptiles. But not all of them are in that room!

In the entrance of our school there is one water tank with a turtle and on the stairs there are five fish tanks.

I like our school because it is cosy and well – equiped. Almost all rooms are painted
in different colours. The corridors are always decorated by the paintings done by pupils
of our school. And you can admire flowers everywhere.
On the corridor next to the Physics classroom we can watch outdoor temperature, presure, wind and weather forecast. Thanks eco project our school has bought a weather – station.
At school we do sports at a gym and our new canteen is really great!

The school´s building is situated in the middle of a big garden. Next to the school there
is an outdoor place. There are playgrounds for playing football, volleyball etc. Nearby our playground young pupils go to a youth centre. There is a small pond situated next to the playground with different kinds of animals. The pond is important for salamanders.
By the pond is rebuilt new ecoclassroom where we can enjoy exciting lessons.

Our school always tries to prepare interesting school trips, excursions, courses and discussions. Our primary school spend a lovely week on a healthy trip in Beskydy Horní Bečva. Each year pupils from class seven go to ski course. At the end of school year pupils from class nine go abroad to Croatia. Almost each second school year pupils from secondary school can visit England and capital of Austria, Wien.
I think our school is a great place where we can relax, learn and spend time.

I like it.

That is our school.

(In English lessons our pupils of last grade 9 have written their ideas and comments about our school. Here you can get to know how do they take in our school, teachers, subjects, school´s environment etc.)

Základní škola ZLÍN, Nová cesta 268, příspěvková organizace, 763 14, Zlín-Štípa, IČO: 71008161, IZO: 102319472
tel. 577 914 233, mob. 737 024 824, e-podatelna: skola@zsstipa.cz, datová schránka: e5ymupp, zřizovatel: Statutární město Zlín
správce stránek: Tomáš Bobál